Wednesday, February 13, 2013

PC or Mac? Is That a Question?

petGRO has recently decided to update their office desktop and are in a debate between PCs or Macs. The option, however, is pretty clear - cut….PC all the way!
--> In comparison to Macs, PCs have more programs and applications associated with their software. PCs are stronger for developing tradition soft ware, finance, project management, office administration and data entry and processing.
--> Windows 8 provides superior speed, stability and functionality, with very few problems.
--> With all the data processing petGRO does, it is important to have large amounts of available storage, although you can get an external hard drive, its always easier with PC to upgrade hardware.
--> The past year had many malware attacks on Macs, shattering the image of their premium security, setting up the appropriate anti-virus program on you PC will ensure your computers safety
--> PCs are overall much cheaper then a Mac, you can get a functional PC computer for as low as $500 whereas the most you can get at the Apple Store for that much is maybe an iPod shuffle?
Therefore the answer is clear, well there was not a question to begin with, petGRO needs to go with the PC and they'll be totally satisfied

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